

"Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see". This quote means don't believe the things I hear, because it can easily be a lie. Believe half of what you see meaning not everything I see is real, about half of it will be. According to wikipedia there was a false Biography named 132 days they spoke about John Seigenthaler and the Soviet Union.

Resources from the internet are putting out false informaion therefore wikipedia is planning to limit the people registering to 1500 a day, by doing so wikipedia should improve the quality because there alot of impulse vandalism. The false Biography was a joke, but how was John Seigenthaler supposse too know that or the rest of the people who read the Biography. Encyclopedia Brittanica goes head to head with wikipedia in the comparision of who is more accurate and who has the better quality.

I get my resource from the internet, newspaper, and magazines. I receive information from 3 resources if I'm confused about something I can easily search it on the internet and more then likely I will find what I'm looking for. The biography of John Seigenthaler was a false biography, believe none of what I hear and half of what I see is true too me, because there can be a false biography about anyone in the world. It's easy just to make something up and write it down somewhere like wikipedia where people look to do research and to find something that is true not false, but how would they know if it's true or false if it's posted on wikipedia. Only people who know the truth will know if the posting is true or false someone who doesn't know the truth will go with what the biography is saying, because they really don't have a choice if they never knew the truth.
© Xavier Medina 2009